While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to childcare, we will agree to administer medication...
At Wingate Childcare we care for children between the ages of 0-5 years...
At Wingate Childcare we believe that parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their individual needs and wishes...
At Wingate Childcare we take great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual...
Viruses and infections can be easily passed from person to person by breathing in air containing the virus which is produced...
At Wingate Childcare we promote the good health of all children attending. To help keep children healthy and minimise infection...
We provide care for children and promote health through identifying allergies and preventing contact...
There is a concern that mobile phones with integrated cameras enable anyone to take photographs or video footage without the knowledge...
No child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and may still be...
Good oral health habits need to be formed from the earliest age. Tooth decay is largely preventable, but it is still a serious problem among young children...
The fee scales determined by the board of Wingate Childcare have been set at a competitive rate and the lowest level possible to maintain the high standards...
At Wingate Childcare we believe that parents and staff need to work together in a close partnership in order for children to receive the quality of care...
Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 we have a duty to refer any concerns of extremism to the police...
At Wingate Childcare we believe that children flourish best when they know how themselves and others are expected to behave...
At Wingate Childcare we promote the safety of children, parents, staff and visitors by reviewing and reducing any risks...
At Wingate Childcare we work with children, parents, external agencies and the community to ensure the welfare and safety of children...
17/ Special Educational Needs
We provide an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs, are supported...
At Wingate Childcare we are committed to promoting children’s health and well-being. This is of the upmost importance for the childcare...
Social media has become a large part of the world we live in and as such at Wingate Childcare we need to make sure we protect our children...
At Wingate Childcare we are committed to ensuring that all children are fully protected from the dangers of too much sun/UV rays...
At Wingate Childcare we aim to support parents and other carers to help their children settle quickly and easily by considering the individual needs...
At Wingate Childcare we recognise that a dummy can be a source of comfort for a child who is settling and/or upset...
At Wingate Childcare we expect all our colleagues, both internal and external, to be professional at all times and hold the welfare and safety of every child...