What Ofsted say about us....
In August 2024 we had our inspection from Oftsed, and we are delighted to announce we were graded outstanding!! Take a look at just some of the wonderful comments from our report...
"Children thrive in this calm and stimulating environment, where staff meet their individual needs precisely. Dedicated staff get to know children and their families very well before they start at the setting."
"Children's behaviour is impeccable. They are very kind, polite and respectful towards each other. Children help each other, without being prompted. For example, when children need support to remove their outdoor clothing and boots, their friends quickly jump in to help them."
​"Partnerships with parents are excellent. Parents speak very highly of the nursery. They praise staff and say they 'go above and beyond' and the care their children receive is 'second to none.' Parents are delighted with their children's progress and feel fully involved in their child's learning."

"The manager and her staff team are inspirational. They are committed to achieve the highest standards for every child in their care. Staff are well qualified, highly motivated and extremely passionate about their roles. Staff's well-being is paramount. They benefit from regular training sessions, support meetings and team building days. Robust, incisive self-evaluation drives the setting forward and ensures that outcomes for children are outstanding."

"The beautiful environment which staff create in all the rooms and outdoor spaces gives a strong sense of the success of their high expectations combined with the daily structures. Outdoor learning is an integral part of the daily routine. Children have superb opportunities to learn about nature and the wider world around them."